In Kaliningrad region, paragliders basically fly over the sea along the coastline and start from the slopes (Primorye, Donskoe, Svetlogorsk, Kulikovo, Curonian Spit, Baltic Spit). On the continental part of the region and in Kaliningrad (the airfield “Dewau”) special towing systems are used for flights. So, you decided to fly with an instructor on a two-seater paraglider – tandem.
There are three types of flights:
With the help of a winch.
Tightening the pilot with the passenger to a height of 300 to 500 meters. Further, at the request of the client, a quiet hovering flight, or performing some acro exercises to test the overload and release of adrenaline. Such a flight of acceleration and congestion is similar to a parachute jump. The flight duration is about 10-15 minutes.

Flight in the dynamic flow of air
Occurs on the coast of the Baltic Sea. With climbing up to 150 meters. You can enjoy the beauties of our coast from a bird’s eye view. The flight resembles an air excursion, calmness, wind noise in the lines … The duration of the flight is 20 minutes.
Flight on the paratrake.
Paratrajk is a two-seater trolley with a motor and a paraglider. Despite the roar of the motor behind, the onboard communication will allow you to exchange impressions and determine the further route. The flight speed is not high, and the altitude is from “shaving” (one-two meters from the ground) to 300 meters. Possessing excellent maneuverability, the paratrack gives an opportunity not only to enjoy the panorama of the Kaliningrad region, but also to get a dose of adrenaline to the extremals. The flight lasts 10-15 minutes.

Safety first
Entertaining paragliding is safe. This is really so. As it was said above, the passenger must listen to the pilot and do what he is told. Nothing complicated, because standing on your feet, running a little and pulling the handle of the detachment, you are exactly able. When flying, modern certified technology is used: paragliders of the Austrian company Pro-Design and the French company OZONE, suspension systems with a protector, regularly re-laid spare parachutes. Before departure, the equipment must be controlled. Pilot instructors have a solid touch on this technique, they know the aerology of the area well and are experienced enough to estimate weather conditions and to refuse a flight that may be a bit insecure.